Elizabeth Diercks, Secretary, Library Working Group | bdiercks@westfordma.gov | 6/06 Jt. Appt. | 5/25 |
Glen Secor, Chair, Library Working Group | gsecor@westfordma.gov | 7/18 Jt. Appt. | 5/25 |
Mary Siegel, Trustee | marysiegel@westfordma.gov | 1/25 Jt. Appt. | 5/25 for Joint Appointment |
Caroline Roache, Treasurer | croache@westfordma.gov | 5/23 | 5/26 |
Debbie Teal, Friends Liaison | tealdj4@verizon.net | 9/23 Jt. Appt. | 5/27 |
Marianne Fleckner, Foundation Liaison | mfleckner@acton-ma.gov | 10/04 Jt. Appt. | 5/27 |
The primary role of the Board of Library Trustees shall be:
- To act as legal representatives of the J. V. Fletcher Library and as official civic advocates of its service program.
- To develop Library administrative and program policy and to set Goals and Objectives for service.
- Management of, and authorization of expenditures from, Trust Funds; management of the Fine Arts and Historical Arts assets of the Library.
- Selection, hiring and evaluation of the Library Director
- Determination, with the Director, of service priorities for preparation of annual budgets, recruitment to staff, program development and facilities management.
- Ultimate oversight of Trust Fund expenditures primarily in the nature of:
- Public Programming
- Continuing Education and Staff Development
Fine Arts Insurance, Historical Conservation
- Public Relations relating to Long Range Goals and Objectives
- Equipment, Capital and Specialized Expenditures
- Library Materials
- Board of Trustees Attributes
- Board of Trustees Position Description
- Board of Trustees Bylaws
The Board of Library Trustees regularly holds open meetings the first Monday evening of each month, convening at 7:00PM at the J. V. Fletcher Library; see posted meetings here. Meeting agendas are posted on the Town of Westford website the Thursday before the Monday meeting. The Library Facility Needs Committee — a joint Committee comprised of Trustees and members of the Permanent Town Building Committee — met 36 times from 2014 to 2016 during the duration of the MBLC Planning and Design Grant.
See Library Trustees Minutes and Library Facility Needs Committee Minutes here [Click on the drop down menu under SEARCH MEETING MINUTES and select “Library”]