With the exception of Mother Goose, ZOOM Story Times, Virtual Job Seekers and Adult Book Groups, programming and Meeting Room use are temporarily winding down, as the Library prepares for its off-site move to the Temporary Library site in late March/early April. Stay updated via the Friends weekly eNewsletter and this site!

Craft Bundle

  • Craft Bundle

Each month you can request a craft bundle that you pick up using our curbside delivery. The bundle includes a book checked out to you and a complete craft kit. We let you know the skill level required because each craft is not exclusively for one age group.

This month we have a GIANT shield and mask (there is a variety of masks) – the shield is almost three feet tall!. As you can see in the pictures below, Miss Jacki had a lot of fun designing her coat of arms. Are you a Knight’s Templar or a superhero? What story will you tell on your shield?

The kit comes with a theme related book, a shield with a handle, a mask with an elastic, and a feather for you to use on the mask if you want. We found that markers worked the best on this material – paint was not so great to work with.

Sign up here for this craft starting Monday, May 3!

Curbside Pickup is available Monday-Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Monday through Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. When you arrive, please call 978-399-2300 and tell us you are here to pick up your craft bundle.

This craft is available while supplies last and is generously funded by Covid funding secured by Senator Edward L. Kennedy of the First Middlesex District and the Friends of the J.V. Fletcher Library.

What are you looking for?