Through the end of February, with the exception of Mother Goose, Virtual Job Seekers and Adult Book Groups, programming and Meeting Room use are temporarily winding down, as the Library prepares for its off-site move to the Temporary Library in late March/early April. Stay updated via the Friends weekly eNewsletter and this site!

Device Advice comes to Zoom!

Need help with Hoopla, Kanopy, Libby, OverDrive, Freegal or O’Reilly for Libraries? Book a Zoom appointment with a librarian! Fill out this form and the librarian will contact you to schedule a Zoom session. Or, if you prefer phone support, call Information Services at 978-399-2304.

Freegal: Download and stream free music.

Hoopla: Audiobooks, comics, e-books, movies, music, and TV.

Kanopy: Stream thousands of films and documentaries.

O’Reilly for Libraries (formerly Safari Books): Nearly 1,000 business and technology topics.

OverDrive/Libby: Ebooks, audiobooks, magazines and streaming videos!

What are you looking for?