With the exception of Mother Goose, ZOOM Story Times, Virtual Job Seekers and Adult Book Groups, programming and Meeting Room use are temporarily winding down, as the Library prepares for its off-site move to the Temporary Library site in late March/early April. Stay updated via the Friends weekly eNewsletter and this site!

Hoopla FAQ

How long is borrowed content available? Most Movies and TV episodes are available for 72 hours (3 days) from the time you borrow the title. Some publishers limit the borrow time to 48 hours (2 days).
Most Music albums are available for 7 days from the time you borrow the title.
Most Audiobooks, Comics, and eBooks are available for 21 days from the time you borrow the title.
For more information on the titles available, please check out https://www.hoopladigital.com/browse or sign in to our mobile app.

How do I borrow and play titles? Before you are able to borrow, you will need to create a hoopla account. Once you are signed in, you can borrow titles though the hoopla digital mobile app or the website. Once you select a title you can click on the Borrow button on the title details page. Once a title is borrowed, it is accessible by clicking on “My hoopla” on the website or in the app. You must remain logged in to view downloaded content.

How many items can I borrow a month? You can borrow up to 10 titles per month, once you log into your hoopla account you can navigate to the “My hoopla” section of the site or app to view your titles remaining. This limit will reset at the beginning of the calendar month. Unused borrows will not roll over into the next month.

Can I return a title before the lending period expires?You can return the title before the lending period has expired by clicking the return now button located at the bottom of the title on the title information page. Use this to manage your device storage and remove content you are finished with. Please note that returning a title early does not give users additional borrows for that month.

Can I mark a title to view later? When logged in and viewing a title you may save a title by clicking the heart icon. To view titles that you have saved, click on “My hoopla” at the bottom, then press the heart in the top right.

Does video content have closed captions? Yes, hoopla supports closed captioning of video content where available and/or required. Titles that have closed captions have a block CC logo on their title details page. We continue to work with content providers to expand the availability of closed captioning.

When does the monthly borrow period end? The monthly borrow limit resets on the first day of the new month. Previously borrowed titles will remain until their lending period expires, but you will be given your new month’s borrows.

Can I download titles to my computer? Titles on the Windows and MacOS platforms are only available for streaming. If you wish to download a title, you can do so on any of our three mobile apps (Android, iOS, Kindle)

If I return a title early, will I get my borrowing credit back? No, if you return a title early, you will not be able to check an item out in its place. The limit in place is a monthly total.

Can I link my hoopla account to multiple streaming set top boxes?Yes, you can, hoopla however, can only run one stream per account at a given time, users can watch content simultaneously on multiple set top boxes (STB) only if each STB is logged into a different user account. Users will need to trade off viewings if a single linked account is used on multiple devices.

Does my renewal start a fresh borrow period immediately? Yes, renewing a title allows the user to extend their current borrow, so they can continue reading or listening without having to find the title to borrow it again or re-download it to continue offline playback. This will use one of your remaining borrows for the month. This option appears twenty-four hours before your title would return automatically.

Can I use hoopla on multiple devices? You can use hoopla with any number of supported devices. However, you can only use your account on one device at a time. If you try to use your account on another device at the same time you will receive a multiple device warning. To prevent this error message, make sure hoopla is closed on all of your devices before you try to use your borrowed content.

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