The Library will be temporarily closed with services on hiatus from Monday, March 31 through Monday April 21, for moving and training at the temporary site. Our temporary location will be at 515 Groton Road in Westford. The last day to pick up hold items will be Thursday, 3/27.


To schedule a proctoring session, please contact the Information Services Department at .There is no charge for this service. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Include in your request the name of the testing institution, the course name and number, exam time limit, and whether your exam is online or in print. Also, please include dates and times when you would be available to take the exam.
  • Note that we cannot guarantee a quiet place or continuous monitoring throughout the exam.
  • You are responsible for any postage required to return your exam by mail and for any copies that need to be made.
  • For scheduling purposes, please give the library as much advance notice as possible, preferably no less than one month.

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