To find all Summer Reading List titles for a certain grade in the J.V. Fletcher Library Catalog search for SRL plus the grade you want: for example, “SRL-7” or “SRL-11”.
Disclaimer: The library’s SRL collection is updated each Spring upon the release of the WPS Summer Reading Lists. Please double check that the book you choose is on the list for the current year!
Going into:
Grade 6 | Choose one book from the list and read it over the summer. |
Grade 7 | Choose one book from the list and read it over the summer. |
Grade 8 | Choose one book from the list and read it over the summer. |
Westford Academy:
Grade 9 choices listed here.
Grade 10 choices listed here.
Grade 11 choices listed here.
Grade 12 choices listed here.
For more information, please visit this page at the WA website.