The Library will be temporarily closed with services on hiatus from Monday, March 31 through Monday April 21, for moving and training at the temporary site. Our temporary location will be at 515 Groton Road in Westford. The last day to pick up hold items will be Thursday, 3/27.

YA Advisory Board

Members of the Young Adult Advisory Board (YAAB) will serve the library as representatives of teen library users. They will work together with the YA Librarian to make improvements to the YA space, suggest additions to the collection, plan events, and provide service to the community. The board will meet once per month.

YAAB Guidelines:

Mission Statement: The Young Adult Advisory Board aims to guide the library on behalf of the young adults of our community. Our goals include diversifying and increasing programs and opportunities, and creating an accepting community for young adults where everyone has the ability to pursue their interests. (J.V. Fletcher YAAB, 2023)

• Suggest and implement aesthetic improvements to the YA Department
• Build a strong YA Community within the library
• Create volunteer opportunities to help the Westford community and beyond
• Advocate for the interests of teenage library users
• Plan and execute special events for teens along with the YA Librarian
Membership: Members of the Young Adult Advisory Board must be in Grade 6 through 12 and live in Westford.
Volunteer Hours: Active members of the Young Adult Advisory Board are eligible for signed community service hours.
• The Young Adult Advisory Board will be a welcoming space for members of any ability, race, religion, national origin, gender, or sexuality.
• Discussions will be respectful, and attention will be given to each member who wishes to share their ideas.
• Criticism will be constructive, and debates will be solved democratically.
• Members will let the YA Librarian know ahead of time if they won’t be able to attend a meeting.
• Members will show respect for the library patrons, library staff and library spaces and will assist with set-up and space breakdown leave meeting spaces clean.

Approved by the J.V. Fletcher Library Trustees 12.5.22

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