With the exception of Mother Goose, ZOOM Story Times, Virtual Job Seekers and Adult Book Groups, programming and Meeting Room use are temporarily winding down, as the Library prepares for its off-site move to the Temporary Library site in late March/early April. Stay updated via the Friends weekly eNewsletter and this site!

Borrow seeds from our Seed Catalog!


Freshen up your garden with free seeds from the library! Borrow, grow and return seeds from our seed catalog.

Our seed catalog is a place where patrons may donate seeds, already dried and storage-ready, harvested from plants they have grown themselves. Donated seeds may be vegetable, fruit or flower seeds, and may be placed in the seed library’s drop-off box. They will be sorted and stored in a card catalog. 

Community members may also “borrow” the donated seeds, with the expectation that they will give back some seeds from the plants grown from the borrowed seeds at the end of the growing season. Returning seeds is not required; however, it is encouraged so that the program may keep going.

Please be aware that as this is a community-run program, all the seeds are not guaranteed to germinate. Also, please do not donate seeds from commercially grown plants that prohibit propagation.

The seed catalog and drop-off box are in the library’s downstairs corridor, along with Westford Community Seed Library brochures.

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