With the exception of Mother Goose, ZOOM Story Times, Virtual Job Seekers and Adult Book Groups, programming and Meeting Room use are temporarily winding down, as the Library prepares for its off-site move to the Temporary Library site in late March/early April. Stay updated via the Friends weekly eNewsletter and this site!

Virtual Library Project Sustainability Forum

SUSTAINABILITY FORUM – Monday, November 13 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom: The Permanent Town Building Committee and Board of Library Trustees — along with representatives of the Clean Energy and Sustainability Committee — are co-hosting a virtual Sustainability Forum to discuss, identify and explore the best energy saving and sustainability measures to incorporate into the future Library Project design. Interested attendees may register in advance or at any time prior to the conclusion of this meeting by accessing the following link on your computer, smart phone or tablet – Register Here

Registration requires only that you provide a name and E-mail address. After this initial analysis, a further forum will follow.

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