Look for the J.V. Fletcher Library in the Apple Blossom Parade on Saturday, May 18 at 10 AM!

… and a PARADE

Spring is a great time of year, especially because of the Apple Blossom Parade followed by the official start of school visits to promote the Children’s and Young Adult summer reading programs!

The Apple Blossom Parade, Saturday, May 18 at 10:00 a.m. What is the theme of the library summer reading program? Will we hold on to the Coveted Roundenbowl for another year? The suspense is real people. Our award-winning presence in the parade is generously funded by the Friends of the J.V. Fletcher Library.

Keep an eye out for a note in the newsletters from your kids schools about when the JVF Librarians will be visiting to get them psyched for summer reading. Then, bring them to the library when they come home asking to come in and sign up!

Click here for more information about our summer reading program for kids ages 0 to entering grade 4.

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