With the exception of Mother Goose, ZOOM Story Times, Virtual Job Seekers and Adult Book Groups, programming and Meeting Room use are temporarily winding down, as the Library prepares for its off-site move to the Temporary Library site in late March/early April. Stay updated via the Friends weekly eNewsletter and this site!

WPS School Reading Lists

  • Kids
  • WPS School Reading Lists

Going into

Grade 1 Choose any author to enjoy over the summer.
Grade 2 Choose any author to enjoy over the summer.
Grade 3 Choose any author to enjoy over the summer.
Grade 4 Choose any author to enjoy over the summer.
Grade 5 Choose any author to enjoy over the summer.
Grade 6 Choose one book from the list and read it over the summer.
Grade 7 Choose one book from the list and read it over the summer.
Grade 8 Choose one book from the list and read it over the summer.

Westford Academy:

Grade 9:

English 9 CP I, IIStudents entering grade 9 college preparatory classes should read one of the works listed here.
Honors 9Students entering grade 9 Honors classes should read The Chosen by Chaim Potok Chopin and one of the works listed here.

Grade 10:

English 10 CP I, IIStudents entering grade 10 college preparatory classes should read one of the works listed here.
Honors 10Students entering grade 10 Honors classes should read The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and one of the works listed here.

Grade 11:

English 11 CP I, IIStudents entering grade 11 college preparatory classes should read one of the works listed here.
Honors 11 Students entering grade 11 Honors classes should read The Awakening by Kate Chopin and one of the works listed here.

Grade 12:

English 12 CP I, IIStudents entering grade 12 college preparatory classes should read one of the works listed here.
Honors 12Students entering grade 12 Honors classes should read The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and one of the works listed here.
APStudents entering grade 12 Advanced Placement Literature and Composition classes should read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and How to Read Literature Like A Professor by Thomas C. Foster.

What are you looking for?