HEAT INDEX INVITATION! The Library has AC, WiFi, water, restrooms and access to all the public library holdings in the Commonweath! Chill out here! Due to town budget reductions, library hours will be reduced as of Monday, July 1. New Hours: Monday - Thursday the Library will be open 10AM-8PM, Friday 1-5PM, and Saturday, 10AM-4PM.

Friends of the Library Annual Meeting

Wednesday, November 17 at 7 p.m.

The Friends of the J. V. Fletcher Library invite you to attend our virtual 2021 Annual Meeting featuring E. Dolores Johnson, author of Say I’m Dead: A Family Memoir of Race, Secrets, and Love.

Free & open to all.

Register online today!

Zoom instructions will be emailed to you after registration.In Say I’m Dead, Dolores Johnson writes about the mixed-race experience in America, focused on black-white unions and inspired by her family’s experiences. In 1942 her black father and white mother fled Indiana’s Klan and anti-miscegenation laws to legally marry in New York, 24 years before the Supreme Court made mixed-race marriage legal. 

Say I’m Dead is a memoir of secrets, separation, and transformation, chronicling four generations who overturned forbidden race-mixing norms amid America’s persistent bigotry.

A brief business meeting of Friends members will precede the program. Click here for the slate of officers for 2021-2022.

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