Due to town budget reductions, library hours will be reduced as of Monday, July 1. New Hours: Monday - Thursday the Library will be open 10AM-8PM, Friday 1-5PM, and Saturday, 10AM-4PM.

Friends of the Library Annual Meeting

Wednesday, November 17 at 7 p.m.

The Friends of the J. V. Fletcher Library invite you to attend our virtual 2021 Annual Meeting featuring E. Dolores Johnson, author of Say I’m Dead: A Family Memoir of Race, Secrets, and Love.

Free & open to all.

Register online today!

Zoom instructions will be emailed to you after registration.In Say I’m Dead, Dolores Johnson writes about the mixed-race experience in America, focused on black-white unions and inspired by her family’s experiences. In 1942 her black father and white mother fled Indiana’s Klan and anti-miscegenation laws to legally marry in New York, 24 years before the Supreme Court made mixed-race marriage legal. 

Say I’m Dead is a memoir of secrets, separation, and transformation, chronicling four generations who overturned forbidden race-mixing norms amid America’s persistent bigotry.

A brief business meeting of Friends members will precede the program. Click here for the slate of officers for 2021-2022.

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