HEAT INDEX INVITATION! The Library has AC, WiFi, water, restrooms and access to all the public library holdings in the Commonweath! Chill out here! Due to town budget reductions, library hours will be reduced as of Monday, July 1. New Hours: Monday - Thursday the Library will be open 10AM-8PM, Friday 1-5PM, and Saturday, 10AM-4PM.

Joint Committee – Library Board of Trustees and Permanent Town Building Committee

  • Joint Committee – Library Board of Trustees and Permanent Town Building Committee

Elizabeth Diercks
Library BOT, Secretarybdiercks@westfordma.gov
Lynn ClermontLibrary BOT, Chairlclermont@westfordma.gov
Marianne FlecknerLibrary BOT, Treasurermfleckner@acton-ma.gov
Glen SecorLibrary BOTgsecor@westfordma.gov
Debbie TealLibrary BOTdteal@westfordma.gov
Nancy CookPTBCncook@westfordma.gov
Scott HazeltonPTBC, Vice Chairshazelton@westfordma.gov
Chris KarpinskyPTBC, Clerkckarpinsky@westfordma.gov
Thomas MahannaPTBC, Chairtmahanna@westfordma.gov
,Jeanne RobertsPTBC, Treasurerjroberts@westfordma.gov
James ZegowitzPTBCjzegowitz@westfordma.gov
Ellen RainvilleLibrary Director, Staff Supporterainville@westfordma.gov
Kristina LeedbergAssistant Library Director, Staff Supportkleedberg@westfordma.gov

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