The Library will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of Presidents' Day. With the exception of Mother Goose, Virtual Job Seekers and Adult Book Groups, programming and Meeting Room use are temporarily winding down, as the Library prepares for its off-site move to the Temporary Library in late March/early April. Stay updated via the Friends weekly eNewsletter and this site!

The New Library

  • The New Library
Updated back of the library
View of the first floor from the parking lot
Aerial view - the outline in the red is the existing building
Updated back of the library
View of the first fllor from the parking lot entrance
inside of the library
RENDERING_Fletcher Entry-POP
new library
Aerial view - the outline in the red is the existing building
Updated back of the library
View of the first fllor from the parking lot entrance
inside of the library
RENDERING_Fletcher Entry-POP
new library
Aerial view - the outline in the red is the existing building
previous arrow
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