Due to town budget reductions, library hours will be reduced as of Monday, July 1. New Hours: Monday - Thursday the Library will be open 10AM-8PM, Friday 1-5PM, and Saturday, 10AM-4PM.

Joint Committee – Library Board of Trustees and Permanent Town Building Committee

  • Joint Committee – Library Board of Trustees and Permanent Town Building Committee

Elizabeth Diercks
Library BOT, Secretarybdiercks@westfordma.gov
Lynn ClermontLibrary BOT, Chairlclermont@westfordma.gov
Marianne FlecknerLibrary BOT, Treasurermfleckner@acton-ma.gov
Glen SecorLibrary BOTgsecor@westfordma.gov
Debbie TealLibrary BOTdteal@westfordma.gov
Nancy CookPTBCncook@westfordma.gov
Scott HazeltonPTBC, Vice Chairshazelton@westfordma.gov
Chris KarpinskyPTBC, Clerkckarpinsky@westfordma.gov
Thomas MahannaPTBC, Chairtmahanna@westfordma.gov
,Jeanne RobertsPTBC, Treasurerjroberts@westfordma.gov
James ZegowitzPTBCjzegowitz@westfordma.gov
Ellen RainvilleLibrary Director, Staff Supporterainville@westfordma.gov
Kristina LeedbergAssistant Library Director, Staff Supportkleedberg@westfordma.gov

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